Source code for libs.Camera

import datetime
import logging.config
import os
import shutil
import time
import tempfile
import numpy
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth, HTTPDigestAuth
from xml.etree import ElementTree
from collections import deque
from io import BytesIO
import threading
from threading import Thread, Event, Lock
from libs.SysUtil import SysUtil
import cv2

    # improt yaml module and assert that it has a load function
    import yaml

    assert yaml.load
except Exception as e:
    logging.error("Couldnt import suitable yaml module, no IP camera support: {}".format(str(e)))

    import gphoto2cffi as gp
except Exception as e:
    logging.error("Couldnt import gphoto2-cffi module, no DSLR support: {}".format(str(e)))

    import picamera
    import picamera.array
except Exception as e:
    logging.error("Couldnt import picamera module, no picamera camera support: {}".format(str(e)))


[docs]def nested_lookup(key, document): """ nested document lookup, works on dicts and lists :param key: string of key to lookup :param document: dict or list to lookup :return: yields item """ if isinstance(document, list): for d in document: for result in nested_lookup(key, d): yield result if isinstance(document, dict): for k, v in document.items(): if k == key: yield v elif isinstance(v, dict): for result in nested_lookup(key, v): yield result elif isinstance(v, list): for d in v: for result in nested_lookup(key, d): yield result
[docs]class Camera(object): """ Base Camera class. :cvar int accuracy: 3: Number of seconds caputre should be accurate to. :cvar int default_width: 1080: Default width of resized images. :cvar int default_height: 720: Default height of resuzed images. :cvar list file_types: ["CR2", "RAW", "NEF", "JPG", "JPEG", "PPM", "TIF", "TIFF"]: Supported output image types. :cvar list output_types: ["tif", "jpg"]: Output image types, ignored by GPCamera. :ivar collections.deque communication_queue: Reference to a deque, or a deque. :ivar logging.Logger logger: Logger for each Camera. :ivar threading.Event stopper: Stopper event object to allow thread stopping. :ivar str identifier: Unique identifier for the camera. Used to distinguish cameras from one another. :ivar list failed: List of failed capture timepoints. :ivar str config_filename: Confuguration file path, unused if camera is instantiated with the noconf init parameter. :ivar configparser.ConfigParser config: Configuration object. :ivar str camera_name: Human friendly name of the camera. :ivar int interval: Capture interval (in seconds). :ivar str spool_directory: Path to stream images into during the capture process. :ivar str upload_directory: Path to move images to after the captre process. :ivar datetime.time begin_capture: Naive start time for capture. :ivar datetime.time end_capture: Naive end time for capture. :ivar datetime.datetime current_capture_time: When the capture process began. """ accuracy = 3 default_width, default_height = 1080, 720 file_types = ["CR2", "RAW", "NEF", "JPG", "JPEG", "PPM", "TIF", "TIFF"] output_types = ["tif", 'jpg'] _frame = None _thread = None _last_access = None
[docs] def init_stream(self): """ Initialises a video stream class thread. """ if self.__class__._thread is None: # start background frame thread self.__class__._thread = threading.Thread(target=self.stream_thread) self.__class__._thread.start() # wait until frames start to be available while self.__class__._frame is None: time.sleep(0.01)
[docs] def get_frame(self) -> bytes: """ Gets a frame from the a running :func:`stream_thread`. :return: encoded image data as bytes. """ self.__class__._last_access = time.time() self.init_stream() return self.__class__._frame
[docs] def stream_thread(cls): """ Boilerplate stream thread. Override this with the correct method of opening the camera, grabbing image data and closing the camera. """ print("Unimplemented classmethod call: stream_thread") print("You should not create a Camera object directly") def get_camera(): pass with get_camera() as camera: # let camera warm up while True: # example, you actually need to get the data from somewhere. cls._frame = camera.get_frame().read() # if there hasn't been any clients asking for frames in # the last 10 seconds stop the thread if time.time() - cls._last_access > 10: break cls._thread = None
def __init__(self, identifier: str = None, queue: deque = None, noconf: bool = False, **kwargs): """ Initialiser for cameras... :param identifier: unique identified for this camera, MANDATORY :param queue: deque to push info into :param noconf: dont create a config, or watch anything. Used for temporarily streaming from a camera :param kwargs: """ if queue is None: queue = deque(tuple(), 256) self.communication_queue = queue self.logger = logging.getLogger(identifier) self.stopper = Event() self.identifier = identifier self.camera_name = identifier self.failed = list() self._exif = dict() self.focus_position = None self._frame = None self._image = numpy.empty((Camera.default_width, Camera.default_height, 3), numpy.uint8) if not noconf: self.config_filename = SysUtil.identifier_to_ini(self.identifier) self.config = \ self.camera_name = \ self.interval = \ self.spool_directory = \ self.upload_directory = \ self.begin_capture = \ self.end_capture = \ self.begin_capture = \ self.end_capture = \ self.current_capture_time = None self.re_init()
[docs] def re_init(self): """ Re-initialisation method for updating configuration values. The signature for this method is provided to :func:`libs.SysUtil.SysUtil.add_watch`, which calls it when the config file has been modified. This method should load all the configuration values from the config file into the Camera object. """"Re-init...") self.config = SysUtil.ensure_config(self.identifier) self.camera_name = self.config["camera"]["name"] self.interval = self.config.getint("timelapse", "interval") self.spool_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="SPC-EYEPI") self.upload_directory = self.config["localfiles"]["upload_dir"] self.begin_capture = datetime.time(0, 0) self.end_capture = datetime.time(23, 59) start_time_string = str(self.config['timelapse']['starttime']) start_time_string = start_time_string.replace(":", "") end_time_string = str(self.config['timelapse']['stoptime']) end_time_string = end_time_string.replace(":", "") try: start_time_string = start_time_string[:4] assert end_time_string.isdigit(), "Non numerical start time, {}".format(str(end_time_string)) self.begin_capture = datetime.datetime.strptime(start_time_string, "%H%M").time() except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Time conversion error starttime - {}".format_map(str(e))) try: # cut string to max of 4. end_time_string = end_time_string[:4] assert end_time_string.isdigit(), "Non numerical end time, {}".format(str(end_time_string)) self.end_capture = datetime.datetime.strptime(end_time_string, "%H%M").time() except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Time conversion error stoptime - {}".format(str(e))) try: if not os.path.exists(self.upload_directory):"Creating upload dir {}".format(self.upload_directory)) os.makedirs(self.upload_directory) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Creating directories {}".format(str(e))) self._exif = self.get_exif_fields() self.current_capture_time =
[docs] def capture_image(self, filename: str = None) -> numpy.array: """ Camera capture method. override this method when creating a new type of camera. Behavior: - if filename is a string, write images to disk as filename.ext, and return the names of the images written sucessfully. - if filename is None, it will set the instance attribute `_image` to a numpy array of the image and return that. :param filename: image filename without extension :return: :func:`numpy.array` if filename not specified, otherwise list of files. :rtype: numpy.array """ return self._image
[docs] def capture(self, filename: str = None) -> numpy.array: """ capture method, only extends functionality of :func:`Camera.capture` so that testing with can happen Camera.capture = Camera.capture_monkey For extending the Camera class override the Camera.capture_image method, not this one. :param filename: image filename without extension :return: :func:`numpy.array` if filename not specified, otherwise list of files. :rtype: numpy.array """ if filename: dirname = os.path.dirname(filename) os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True) return self.capture_image(filename=filename)
[docs] def capture_monkey(self, filename: str = None) -> numpy.array: """ Simulates things going horribly wrong with the capture. Will sometimes return None, an empty list or an invalid filename. Sometimes will raise a generic Exception. The rest of the time it will capture a valid image. :param filename: image filename without extension :return: :func:`numpy.array` if filename not specified, otherwise list of files. :rtype: numpy.array """ self.logger.warning("Capturing with a naughty monkey.") import random s = random.uniform(0, 100) if s < 10: # return nothing return None elif 10 <= s <= 20: # return empty list return [] elif 20 <= s <= 30: # return an invalid list of no files return ["Ooh ooh, ahh ahhh!"] elif 30 <= s <= 40: # raise an uncaught exception raise Exception("BANANAS") elif 40 <= s <= 50: # return some random bytes return bytes(b'4') elif 50 <= s <= 60: # return a string return "Feed me!" else: return self.capture_image(filename=filename)
@property def exif(self) -> dict: """ Gets the current exif data, sets the exif datetime field to now. :return: dictionary of exif fields and their values. :rtype: dict """ self._exif["Exif.Photo.DateTimeOriginal"] = return self._exif @property def image(self) -> numpy.array: """ Gets the current image (last image taken and stored) as a numpy.array. :return: numpy array of the currently stored image. :rtype: numpy.array """ return self._image @staticmethod
[docs] def timestamp(tn: datetime.datetime) -> str: """ Creates a properly formatted timestamp from a datetime object. :param tn: datetime to format to timestream timestamp string :return: formatted timestamp. """ return tn.strftime('%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S')
[docs] def time2seconds(t: datetime.datetime) -> int: """ Converts a datetime to an integer of seconds since epoch :return: integer of seconds since 1970-01-01 :rtype: int """ try: return int(t.timestamp()) except: # the 'timestamp()' method is only implemented in python3.3` # this is an old compatibility thing return int(t.hour * 60 * 60 + t.minute * 60 + t.second)
@property def timestamped_imagename(self) -> str: """ Builds a timestamped image basename without extension from :func:`Camera.current_capture_time` :return: image basename :rtype: str """ return '{camera_name}_{timestamp}'.format(camera_name=self.camera_name, timestamp=Camera.timestamp(self.current_capture_time)) @property def time_to_capture(self) -> bool: """ Filters out times for capture. returns True by default. returns False if the conditions where the camera should capture are NOT met. :return: whether or not it is time to capture :rtype: bool """ current_naive_time = self.current_capture_time.time() if not self.config.getboolean("camera", "enabled"): # if the camera is disabled, never take photos return False if self.begin_capture < self.end_capture: # where the start capture time is less than the end capture time if not self.begin_capture <= current_naive_time <= self.end_capture: return False else: # where the start capture time is greater than the end capture time # i.e. capturing across midnight. if self.end_capture <= current_naive_time <= self.begin_capture: return False # capture interval if not (self.time2seconds(self.current_capture_time) % self.interval < Camera.accuracy): return False return True
[docs] def get_exif_fields(self) -> dict: """ Get default fields for exif dict, this should be overriden and super-ed if you want to add custom exif tags. :return: exif fields :rtype: dict """ exif = dict() exif['Exif.Image.Make'] = "Make" exif['Exif.Image.Model'] = "Model" exif['Exif.Image.CameraSerialNumber'] = self.identifier return exif
[docs] def encode_write_np_array(self, np_image_array: numpy.array, fn: str) -> list: """ takes a RGB numpy image array like the ones from cv2 and writes it to disk as a tif and jpg converts from rgb to bgr for cv2 so that the images save correctly also tries to add exif data to the images :param numpy.array np_image_array: 3 dimensional image array, x,y,rgb :param str fn: filename :return: files successfully written. :rtype: list(str) """ # output types must be valid! fnp = os.path.splitext(fn)[0] successes = list() for ext in Camera.output_types: fn = "{}.{}".format(fnp, ext) s = cv2.imwrite(fn, np_image_array) if s: successes.append(fn) try: # set exif data import pyexiv2 meta = pyexiv2.ImageMetadata(fn) for k, v in self.exif.items(): try: meta[k] = v except: pass meta.write() except Exception as e: self.logger.debug("Couldnt write the appropriate metadata: {}".format(str(e))) return successes
@staticmethod def _write_raw_bytes(image_bytesio: BytesIO, fn: str) -> list: """ Writes a BytesIO object to disk. :param image_bytesio: bytesio of an image. :param fn: :return: file name """ with open(fn, 'wb') as f: f.write( # no exif data when writing the purest bytes :-P return fn
[docs] def stop(self): """ Stops the capture thread, if self is an instance of :class:`threading.Thread`. """ self.stopper.set()
[docs] def focus(self): """ AutoFocus trigger method. Unimplemented. """ pass
[docs] def communicate_with_updater(self): """ Inter-thread communication method. Communicates with this objects :class:`libs.Updater.Updater` by keeping a reference to its member 'communication_queue' and appending this objects current state to the queue. """ try: data = dict( name=self.camera_name, identifier=self.identifier, failed=self.failed, last_capture=int(self.current_capture_time.strftime("%s"))) # append our data dict to the communication_queue deque. self.communication_queue.append(data) self.failed = list() except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Inter-thread communication error: {}".format(str(e)))
[docs] def run(self): """ Main method. continuously captures and stores images. """ while True and not self.stopper.is_set(): self.current_capture_time = # checking if enabled and other stuff if self.__class__._thread is not None: self.logger.critical("Camera live view thread is not closed, camera lock cannot be acquired.") continue if self.time_to_capture: try: start_capture_time = time.time() raw_image = self.timestamped_imagename"Capturing for {}".format(self.identifier)) files = self.capture(filename=os.path.join(self.spool_directory, raw_image)) # capture. if capture didnt happen dont continue with the rest. if len(files) == 0: self.failed.append(self.current_capture_time) continue if self.config.getboolean("ftp", "replace"): st = time.time() resize_t = 0.0 if self.config.getboolean("ftp", "resize"): self._image = cv2.resize(self._image, (Camera.default_width, Camera.default_height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) resize_t = time.time() - st cv2.putText(self._image, self.timestamped_imagename, org=(20, self._image.shape[0] - 20), fontFace=cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, fontScale=1, color=(0, 0, 255), thickness=2, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join("/dev/shm", self.identifier + ".jpg"), self._image) shutil.copy(os.path.join("/dev/shm", self.identifier + ".jpg"), os.path.join(self.upload_directory, "last_image.jpg"))"Resize {0:.3f}s, total: {0:.3f}s".format(resize_t, time.time() - st)) # copying/renaming for files oldfiles = files[:] files = [] for fn in oldfiles: if type(fn) is list: files.extend(fn) else: files.append(fn) for fn in files: # move files to the upload directory try: if self.config.getboolean("ftp", "timestamped"): shutil.move(fn, self.upload_directory)"Captured & stored for upload - {}".format(os.path.basename(fn))) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Couldn't move for timestamped: {}".format(str(e))) # remove the spooled files that remain try: if os.path.isfile(fn):"File remaining in spool directory, removing: {}".format(fn)) os.remove(fn) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Couldn't remove spooled when it still exists: {}".format(str(e))) # log total capture time"Total capture time: {0:.2f}s".format(time.time() - start_capture_time)) # communicate our success with the updater self.communicate_with_updater() # sleep for a little bit so we dont try and capture again so soon. time.sleep(Camera.accuracy * 2) except Exception as e: self.logger.critical("Image Capture error - {}".format(str(e))) time.sleep(0.1)
[docs]class IPCamera(Camera): """ IPCamera, unfinished and untested. TODO: needs work to support both yml config and normal configs """ def __init__(self, identifier=None, ip=None, config=None, queue=None, **kwargs): if not config: config = dict() self.config = config.copy() self.communication_queue = queue or deque(tuple(), 256) self.return_parser = config.get("return_parser", "plaintext") self.logger = logging.getLogger(identifier) self.stopper = Event() self.identifier = identifier self.camera_name = config.get("camera_name", identifier) self.interval = int(config.get("interval", 300)) self.spool_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.upload_directory = config.get("upload_dir", os.path.join(os.getcwd(), identifier)) self.begin_capture = datetime.time(0, 0) self.end_capture = datetime.time(23, 59) start_time_string = str(self.config.get('starttime', "00:00")) start_time_string = start_time_string.replace(":", "") end_time_string = str(self.config.get('stoptime', "23:59")) end_time_string = end_time_string.replace(":", "") try: start_time_string = start_time_string[:4] assert end_time_string.isdigit(), "Non numerical start time, {}".format(str(end_time_string)) self.begin_capture = datetime.datetime.strptime(start_time_string, "%H%M").time() except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Time conversion error starttime - {}".format_map(str(e))) try: # cut string to max of 4. end_time_string = end_time_string[:4] assert end_time_string.isdigit(), "Non numerical end time, {}".format(str(end_time_string)) self.end_capture = datetime.datetime.strptime(end_time_string, "%H%M").time() except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Time conversion error stoptime - {}".format(str(e))) self.failed = list() self._image = numpy.empty((Camera.default_width, Camera.default_height, 3), numpy.uint8) self.spool_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='GIGAVISION') try: if not os.path.exists(self.upload_directory):"Creating upload dir {}".format(self.upload_directory)) os.makedirs(self.upload_directory) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Creating directories {}".format(str(e))) self._exif = self.get_exif_fields() self.current_capture_time = self._image = None self._notified = [] format_str = config.get("format_url", "http://{HTTP_login}@{ip}{command}") self.auth_type = config.get("auth_type", "basic") self.auth_object = None if format_str.startswith("http://{HTTP_login}@"): format_str = format_str.replace("{HTTP_login}@", "") self.auth_object = HTTPBasicAuth(config.get("username", "admin"), config.get("password", "admin")) self.auth_object_digest = HTTPDigestAuth(config.get("username", "admin"), config.get("password", "admin")) self.auth_object = self.auth_object_digest if self.auth_type == "digest" else self.auth_object self._HTTP_login = config.get("HTTP_login", "{user}:{password}").format( user=config.get("username", "admin"), password=config.get("password", "admin")) self._url = format_str.format( ip=ip or config.get("ip", ""), HTTP_login=self._HTTP_login, command="{command}") self._image_size_list = config.get("image_size_list", [[1920, 1080], [1280, 720], [640, 480]]) self._image_size = config.get("image_size", self._image_size_list[0]) image_quality = config.get("image_quality", 100) self._image_quality = image_quality # no autofocus modes by default. self._autofocus_modes = config.get("autofocus_modes", []) self._hfov_list = config.get("horizontal_fov_list", [71.664, 58.269, 47.670, 40.981, 33.177, 25.246, 18.126, 12.782, 9.217, 7.050, 5.82]) self._vfov_list = config.get("vertical_fov_list", [39.469, 33.601, 26.508, 22.227, 16.750, 13.002, 10.324, 7.7136, 4.787, 3.729, 2.448]) self._hfov = self._vfov = None self._zoom_list = config.get("zoom_list", [50, 150, 250, 350, 450, 550, 650, 750, 850, 950, 1000]) self._focus_range = config.get("focus_range", [1, 99999]) # set commands from the rest of the config. self.command_urls = config.get('urls', {}) self.return_keys = config.get("keys", {}) self.image_quality = self.image_quality super(IPCamera, self).__init__(identifier, **kwargs) def _make_request(self, command_string, *args, **kwargs): """ Makes a generic request formatting the command string and applying the authentication. :param command_string: command string like read stream raw :type command_string: str :param args: :param kwargs: :return: """ url = self._url.format(*args, command=command_string, **kwargs) if "&" in url and "?" not in url: url = url.replace("&", "?", 1) response = None try: response = requests.get(url, auth=self.auth_object) if response.status_code == 401: self.logger.debug("Auth is not basic, trying digest") response = requests.get(url, auth=self.auth_object_digest) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Some exception got raised {}".format(str(e))) return if response.status_code not in [200, 204]: self.logger.error( "[{}] - {}\n{}".format(str(response.status_code), str(response.reason), str(response.url))) return return response def _read_stream(self, command_string, *args, **kwargs): """ opens a url with the current HTTP_login string :type command_string: str :param command_string: url to go to with parameters :return: string of data returned from the camera """ response = self._make_request(command_string, *args, **kwargs) if response is None: return return response.text def _read_stream_raw(self, command_string, *args, **kwargs): """ opens a url with the current HTTP_login string :param command_string: url to go to with parameters :type command_string: str :return: string of data returned from the camera """ response = self._make_request(command_string, *args, **kwargs) if response is None: return return response.content def _get_cmd(self, cmd): cmd_str = self.command_urls.get(cmd, None) if not cmd_str and cmd_str not in self._notified: print("No command available for \"{}\"".format(cmd)) self._notified.append(cmd_str) return None, None keys = self.return_keys.get(cmd, []) if type(keys) not in (list, tuple): keys = [keys] return cmd_str, keys @staticmethod
[docs] def get_value_from_xml(message_xml, *args): """ gets float, int or string values from a xml string where the key is the tag of the first element with value as text. :param message_xml: the xml to searach in. :param args: list of keys to find values for. :rtype: dict :return: dict of arg: value pairs requested """ return_values = dict() if not len(args): return return_values if not len(message_xml): return return_values # apparently, there is an issue parsing when the ptz returns INVALID XML (WTF?) # these seem to be the tags that get mutilated. illegal = ['\n', '\t', '\r', "<CPStatusMsg>", "</CPStatusMsg>", "<Text>", "</Text>", "<Type>Info</Type>", "<Type>Info", "Info</Type>", "</Type>", "<Type>"] for ill in illegal: message_xml = message_xml.replace(ill, "") root_element = ElementTree.Element("invalidation_tag") try: root_element = ElementTree.fromstring(message_xml) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) print("Couldnt parse XML!!!") print(message_xml) return_values = dict for key in args: target_ele = root_element.find(key) if target_ele is None: continue value = target_ele.text.replace(' ', '') if value is None: continue types = [float, int, str] for t in types: try: return_values[key] = t(value) break except ValueError: pass else: print("Couldnt cast an xml element text attribute to str. What are you feeding the xml parser?") return return_values
[docs] def get_value_from_plaintext(message, *args): """ gets float, int or string values from a xml string where the key is the tag of the first element with value as text. :param message: :param args: list of keys to find values for. :rtype: dict :return: dict of arg: value pairs requested """ return_values = dict() if not len(args): return return_values if not len(message): return return_values for line in message.split("\n"): line = line.replace("= ", "=").replace(" =", "=").strip() name, value = line.partition("=")[::2] name, value = name.strip(), value.strip() types = [float, int, str] if name in args: for t in types: try: v = t(value) if str(v).lower() in ['yes', 'no', 'true', 'false', 'on', 'off']: v = str(v).lower() in ['yes', 'true', 'on'] return_values[name] = v break except ValueError: pass else: print("Couldnt cast an plaintext element text attribute to str. What are you feeding the parser?") return return_values
[docs] def get_value_from_stream(self, stream, *keys): """ Gets a value from some text data (xml or plaintext = separated values) returns a dict of "key":value pairs. :param stream: text data to search for values :type stream: str :param keys: :type keys: list :return: dict of values :rtype: dict """ if self.return_parser == 'plaintext': return self.get_value_from_plaintext(stream, *keys) elif self.return_parser == 'xml': return self.get_value_from_xml(stream, *keys) else: return dict()
[docs] def capture_image(self, filename=None) -> numpy.array: """ Captures an image with the IP camera, uses requests.get to acqire the image. :param filename: filename without extension to capture to. :return: list of filenames (of captured images) if filename was specified, otherwise a numpy array of the image. :rtype: numpy.array or list """ st = time.time() cmd, keys = self._get_cmd("get_image") if "{width}" in cmd and "{height}" in cmd: cmd = cmd.format(width=self._image_size[0], height=self.image_size[1]) if not cmd: self.logger.error("No capture command, this is wrong...") return self._image url = self._url.format(command=cmd) for x in range(10): try: # fast method a = self._read_stream_raw(cmd) b = numpy.fromstring(a, numpy.uint8) self._image = cv2.imdecode(b, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) if filename: rfiles = self.encode_write_np_array(self._image, filename) self.logger.debug("Took {0:.2f}s to capture".format(time.time() - st)) return rfiles else: self.logger.debug("Took {0:.2f}s to capture".format(time.time() - st)) break except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Capture from network camera failed {}".format(str(e))) time.sleep(0.2) else: self.logger.error("All capture attempts (10) for network camera failed.") return self._image
# def set_fov_from_zoom(self): # self._hfov = numpy.interp(self._zoom_position, self.zoom_list, self.hfov_list) # self._vfov = numpy.interp(self._zoom_position, self.zoom_list, self.vfov_list) @property def image_quality(self) -> float: """ Image quality as a percentage. :getter: cached. :setter: to camera. :rtype: float """ return self._image_quality @image_quality.setter def image_quality(self, value: float): assert (1 <= value <= 100) cmd, keys = self._get_cmd("get_image_quality") if cmd: self._read_stream(cmd.format(value)) @property def image_size(self) -> list: """ Image resolution in pixels, tuple of (width, height) :getter: from camera. :setter: to camera. :rtype: tuple """ cmd, keys = self._get_cmd("get_image_size") if cmd: stream = self._read_stream(cmd) output = self.get_value_from_stream(stream, keys) width,height = self._image_size for k,v in output.items(): if "width" in k: width = v if "height" in k: height = v self._image_size = [width, height] return self._image_size @image_size.setter def image_size(self, value): assert type(value) in (list, tuple), "image size is not a list or tuple!" assert len(value) == 2, "image size doesnt have 2 elements width,height are required" value = list(value) assert value in self._image_size_list, "image size not in available image sizes" cmd, keys = self._get_cmd("set_image_size") if cmd: self._read_stream(cmd.format(width=value[0], height=value[1])) self._image_size = value @property def focus_mode(self) -> str: """ TODO: this is broken, returns the dict of key: value not value Focus Mode When setting, the mode provided must be in 'focus_modes' :getter: from camera. :setter: to camera. :rtype: list """ cmd, keys = self._get_cmd("get_focus_mode") if not cmd: return None stream_output = self._read_stream(cmd) return self.get_value_from_stream(stream_output, keys)['mode'] @focus_mode.setter def focus_mode(self, mode: str): assert (self._autofocus_modes is not None) if mode.upper() not in self._autofocus_modes: print("Focus mode not in list of supported focus modes. YMMV.") cmd, keys = self._get_cmd("set_focus_mode") if cmd: self._read_stream(cmd.format(mode=mode)) @property def focus_position(self): """ Focal position as an absolute value. :getter: from camera. :setter: to camera. :rtype: float """ cmd, keys = self._get_cmd("get_focus") if not cmd: return None stream_output = self._read_stream(cmd) result = self.get_value_from_stream(stream_output, keys) return next(iter(result), float(99999)) @focus_position.setter def focus_position(self, absolute_position): self.logger.debug("Setting focus position to {}".format(absolute_position)) cmd, key = self._get_cmd("set_focus") if not cmd: assert (self._focus_range is not None and absolute_position is not None) absolute_position = min(self._focus_range[1], max(self._focus_range[0], absolute_position)) assert (self._focus_range[0] <= absolute_position <= self._focus_range[1]) self._read_stream(cmd.format(focus=absolute_position))
[docs] def focus(self): """ focuses the camera by cycling it through its autofocus modes. """ self.logger.debug("Focusing...") cmd, key = self._get_cmd("set_autofocus_mode") if not cmd or len(self._autofocus_modes) < 1: return for mode in self._autofocus_modes: self.focus_mode = mode time.sleep(2) self._read_stream(cmd.format(mode=self._autofocus_modes[0])) time.sleep(2) self.logger.debug("Focus complete.")
@property def focus_range(self): """ Information about the focus of the camera :return: focus type, focus max, focus min :rtype: list [str, float, float] """ cmd, keys = self._get_cmd("get_focus_range") if not cmd: return None stream_output = self._read_stream(cmd) values = self.get_value_from_stream(stream_output, keys) return values[2:0:-1] @property def hfov_list(self): """ List of horizontal FoV values according to focus list. :getter: cached. :setter: cache. :rrtype: list(float) """ return self._hfov_list @hfov_list.setter def hfov_list(self, value): assert type(value) in (list, tuple), "must be either list or tuple" # assert len(value) == len(self._zoom_list), "must be the same length as zoom list" self._hfov_list = list(value) @property def vfov_list(self): """ List of vertical FoV values according to focus list. :getter: cached. :setter: cache. :rrtype: list(float) """ return self._vfov_list @vfov_list.setter def vfov_list(self, value): assert type(value) in (list, tuple), "must be either list or tuple" # assert len(value) == len(self._zoom_list), "must be the same length as zoom list" self._vfov_list = list(value) @property def hfov(self): """ Horizontal FoV :getter: calculated using cached zoom_position, zoom_list and hfov_list. :setter: cache. :rrtype: list(float) """ # self._hfov = numpy.interp(self._zoom_position, self.zoom_list, self.hfov_list) return self._hfov @hfov.setter def hfov(self, value: float): self._hfov = value @property def vfov(self): """ Vertical FoV :getter: calculated using cached zoom_position, zoom_list and vfov_list. :setter: cache. :rrtype: list(float) """ # self._vfov = numpy.interp(self._zoom_position, self.zoom_list, self.vfov_list) return self._vfov @vfov.setter def vfov(self, value: float): self._vfov = value @property def status(self) -> str: """ Helper property for a string of the current zoom/focus status. :return: informative string of zoom_pos zoom_range focus_pos focus_range :rtype: str """ # fmt_string = "zoom_pos:\t{}\nzoom_range:\t{}" fmt_string = "".join(("\nfocus_pos:\t{}\nfocus_range:\t{}")) return fmt_string.format(self.focus_position, self.focus_range)
[docs]class GPCamera(Camera): """ Camera class other cameras inherit from this class. identifier and usb_address are NOT OPTIONAL """ def __init__(self, identifier: str = None, lock=Lock(), **kwargs): self.lock = lock self._serialnumber = None self.usb_address = [None, None] super(GPCamera, self).__init__(identifier, **kwargs) self.exposure_length = self.config.get('camera', "exposure")
[docs] def re_init(self): """ re initialises the camera. """ super(GPCamera, self).re_init() with self.lock: serialnumber = None camera = None if self.identifier is not None: for cam in gp.list_cameras(): serialnumber = cam.status.serialnumber if serialnumber in self.identifier: camera = cam break else: raise IOError("Camera not available or connected") else: for cam in gp.list_cameras(): try: serialnumber = str(cam.status.serialnumber) self.identifier = SysUtil.default_identifier(prefix=serialnumber) camera = cam break except: pass else: raise IOError("No cameras available") self.usb_address = camera._usb_address self._serialnumber = serialnumber"Camera detected at usb port {}:{}".format(*self.usb_address)) self.exposure_length = self.config.getint("camera", "exposure")
[docs] def get_exif_fields(self): """ This is meant to get the exif fields for the image if we want to manually save them. This is incomplete. :return: dictionary of exif fields. :rtype: dict """ exif = super(GPCamera, self).get_exif_fields() try: camera = self._get_camera() exif['Exif.Image.Make'] = getattr(camera.status, 'manufacturer', 'Make') exif['Exif.Image.Model'] = getattr(camera.status, 'cameramodel', 'Model') exif['Exif.Image.BodySerialNumber'] = self.eos_serial_number exif['Exif.Image.CameraSerialNumber'] = self.serial_number try: exif['Exif.Photo.ISOSpeed'] = self['iso'].value except: pass try: exif['Exif.Photo.Aperture'] = self['aperture'].value except: pass except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Couldnt get full exif data. {}".format(str(e))) return exif
def _get_camera(self): with self.lock: try: camera = gp.Camera(bus=self.usb_address[0], device=self.usb_address[1]) if self._serialnumber == camera.status.serialnumber: self.logger.debug("Camera matched for {}:{}".format(*self.usb_address)) return camera except Exception as e:"Camera wasnt at the correct usb address or something: {}".format(str(e))) for camera in gp.list_cameras(): try: if camera.status.serialnumber == self._serialnumber: return camera except Exception as e:"Couldnt acquire lock for camera. {}".format(str(e))) else: raise FileNotFoundError("Camera cannot be found")
[docs] def capture_image(self, filename=None): """ Gapture method for DSLRs. Some contention exists around this method, as its definitely not the easiest thing to have operate robustly. :func:`GPCamera._cffi_capture` is how it _should_ be done, however that method is unreliable and causes many crashes when in real world timelapse situations. This method calls gphoto2 directly, which makes us dependent on gphoto2 (not just libgphoto2 and gphoto2-cffi), and there is probably some issue with calling gphoto2 at the same time like 5 times, maybe dont push it. :param filename: filename without extension to capture to. :return: list of filenames (of captured images) if filename was specified, otherwise a numpy array of the image. :rtype: numpy.array or list """ import subprocess import glob # the %C filename parameter given to gphoto2 will automatically expand the number of image types that the # camera is set to capture to. # this one shouldnt really be used. fn = "{}-temp.%C".format(self.camera_name) if filename: # if target file path exists fn = os.path.join(self.spool_directory, "{}.%C".format(filename)) cmd = [ "gphoto2", "--port=usb:{bus:03d},{dev:03d}".format(bus=self.usb_address[0], dev=self.usb_address[1]), "--set-config=capturetarget=0", # capture to sdram "--force-overwrite", # if the target image exists. If this isnt present gphoto2 will lock up asking "--capture-image-and-download", # must capture & download in the same call to use sdram target. '--filename={}'.format(fn) ] self.logger.debug("Capture start: {}".format(fn)) for tries in range(6): self.logger.debug("CMD: {}".format(" ".join(cmd))) try: output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True) if "error" in output.lower(): raise subprocess.CalledProcessError("non-zero exit status", cmd=cmd, output=output) else: # log success of capture"GPCamera capture success: {}".format(fn)) for line in output.splitlines(): self.logger.debug("GPHOTO2: {}".format(line)) # glob up captured images filenames = glob.glob(fn.replace("%C", "*")) # if there are no captured images, log the error if not len(filenames): self.logger.error("capture resulted in no files.") else: # try and load an image for the last_image.jpg resized doodadery try: first = filenames[0] if filenames else None self._image = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread(first, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Failed to set current image: {}".format(str(e))) if filename: # return the filenames of the spooled images if files were requestsed. return filenames else: # otherwise remove the temporary files that we created in order to fill self._image for fp in filenames: os.remove(fp) # and return self._image return self._image except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: self.logger.error("failed {} times".format(tries)) for line in e.output.splitlines(): if not line.strip() == "" and "***" not in line: self.logger.error(line.strip()) else: self.logger.critical("Really bad stuff happened. too many tries capturing.") if filename: return [] return None
def _cffi_capture(self, filename=None): """ old cffi capture. very unreliable. Causes a memory leak somewhere that I cant find. :param filename: filename without extension to capture to. :return: list of filenames (of captured images) if filename was specified, otherwise a numpy array of the image. :rtype: numpy.array or list """ st = time.time() camera = None for x in range(10): try: camera = self._get_camera() successes = list() size = 0 for idx, image in enumerate(list(camera.capture(img_expect_count=2, timeout=20))): with image: try: size += image.size fn = (filename or os.path.splitext(image.filename)[0]) + os.path.splitext(image.filename)[ -1] if idx == 0: self._image = cv2.imdecode(numpy.fromstring(, numpy.uint8), cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) successes.append(fn) try: image.remove() except Exception as e:"Couldnt remove image for some reason (probably already gone)") del image self.logger.debug("Captured and stored: {}".format(fn)) except: # cant do anything if failure here. pass self.logger.debug("Took {0:.2f}s to capture".format(time.time() - st)) self.logger.debug("Filesize {}".format(size)) if filename: return successes return self._image except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Error Capturing with DSLR: {}".format(str(e))) time.sleep(1) finally: if camera: camera.release() else: self.logger.fatal("(10) Tries capturing failed") if filename: return [] return None def __getitem__(self, item): return next(iter(self._config(item)), None) @property def serial_number(self) -> str: """ returns the current serialnumber for the camera. """ return self._serialnumber
[docs] def focus(self): """ this is meant to trigger the autofocus. currently not in use because it causes some distortion in the images. """ camera = self._get_camera() try: pass # camera._get_config()['actions']['eosremoterelease'].set("Release Full") # camera._get_config()['actions']['eosremoterelease'].set("Press 1") # camera._get_config()['actions']['eosremoterelease'].set("Release Full") except Exception as e: print(str(e))
@property def eos_serial_number(self) -> str or None: """ returns the eosserialnumber of supported cameras, otherwise the normal serialnumber """ camera = self._get_camera() sn = vars(camera.status).get("eosserialnumber", self.serial_number) camera.release() return sn def _config(self, field: str) -> list: """ searches for a field from the camera config. :param field: string to search :return: list of matching fields, should mostly be len 1 """ fields_found = [] camera = self._get_camera() config = camera._get_config() camera.release() return list(nested_lookup(field, config))
[docs]class USBCamera(Camera): """ USB Camera Class """ @classmethod
[docs] def stream_thread(cls): """ usb camera stream thread. TODO: Needs to be aware of multiple cameras. """ print("ThreadStartup ...") cam = cv2.VideoCapture() # camera setup # let camera warm up time.sleep(2) cam.set(3, 30000) cam.set(4, 30000) print("Started up!") # for foo in camera.capture_continuous(stream, 'jpeg', # use_video_port=True): while True: ret, frame = frame = cv2.imencode(".jpg", frame) cls._frame = frame[1].tostring() # store frame # if there hasn't been any clients asking for frames in # the last 10 seconds stop the thread if time.time() - cls._last_access > 10: print("ThreadShutdown") break cls._thread = None
def __init__(self, identifier, sys_number, **kwargs): """ USB camera init. must have a sys_number (the 0 from /dev/video0) to capture from :param identifier: identifier for the webcamera :param sys_number: system device number of device to use :param kwargs: """ # only webcams have a v4l sys_number. self.sys_number = int(sys_number) self.video_capture = None try: self.video_capture = cv2.VideoCapture() except Exception as e: self.logger.fatal("couldnt open video capture device on {}".format(self.sys_number)) super(USBCamera, self).__init__(identifier, **kwargs)
[docs] def re_init(self): """ re-initialisation of webcamera todo: fix release of camera otherwise it gets locked forever. """ super(USBCamera, self).re_init() self._assert_capture_device() try: if not self.logger.fatal("Couldnt open a video capture device on {}".format(self.sys_number)) except Exception as e: self.logger.fatal("Couldnt open a video capture device") # 3 -> width 4->height 5->fps just max them out to get the highest resolution. self.video_capture.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 100000) self.video_capture.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 100000)"Capturing at {w}x{h}".format(w=self.video_capture.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH), h=self.video_capture.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)))
[docs] def stop(self): """ releases the video device and stops the camera thread """ try: self.video_capture.release() except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Couldnt release cv2 device {}".format(str(e))) self.stopper.set()
def _assert_capture_device(self): """ ensures the capture device is open and valid. :param self: """ try: if not self.video_capture: self.video_capture = cv2.VideoCapture() if not self.video_capture.isOpened(): if not raise IOError("VideoCapture().open({}) failed.".format(self.sys_number)) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Capture device could not be opened {}".format(str(e)))
[docs] def capture_image(self, filename=None): """ captures an image from the usb webcam. Writes some limited exif data to the image if it can. :param filename: filename to output without excension :return: list of image filenames if filename was specified, otherwise a numpy array. :rtype: numpy.array or list """ st = time.time() for _ in range(50): try: ret, im = if ret: self._image = im break time.sleep(0.1) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Error webcam capture did not read {}".format(str(e))) else: return None if filename: try: filenames = self.encode_write_np_array(self._image, filename) self.logger.debug("Took {0:.2f}s to capture".format(time.time() - st)) return filenames except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Could not write image {}".format(str(e))) else: self.logger.debug("Took {0:.2f}s to capture".format(time.time() - st)) return self._image return None
[docs]class PiCamera(Camera): """ Picamera extension to the Camera abstract class. """ @classmethod
[docs] def stream_thread(cls): """ Streaming thread member. uses :func:`picamera.PiCamera.capture_continuous` to stream data from the rpi camera video port. :func:`time.sleep` added to rate limit a little bit. """ import picamera print("start thread") try: with picamera.PiCamera() as camera: # camera setup camera.resolution = (640, 480) # camera.hflip = True # camera.vflip = True # let camera warm up camera.start_preview() time.sleep(2) stream = BytesIO() for foo in camera.capture_continuous(stream, 'jpeg', use_video_port=True): # store frame cls._frame = # reset stream for next frame stream.truncate() # if there hasn't been any clients asking for frames in # the last 10 seconds stop the thread time.sleep(0.01) if time.time() - cls._last_access > 1: break except Exception as e: print("Couldnt acquire camera") print("Closing Thread") cls._thread = None
[docs] def set_camera_settings(self, camera): """ Sets the camera resolution to the max resolution if the config provides camera/height or camera/width attempts to set the resolution to that. if the config provides camera/isoattempts to set the iso to that. if the config provides camera/shutter_speed to set the shutterspeed to that. :param picamera.PiCamera camera: picamera camera instance to modify """ try: camera.resolution = camera.MAX_RESOLUTION if self.config.has_option("camera", "width") and self.config.has_option("camera", "height"): camera.resolution = (self.config.getint("camera", "width"), self.config.getint("camera", "height")) if self.config.has_option("camera", "shutter_speed"): camera.shutter_speed = self.config.getfloat("camera", "shutter_speed") if self.config.has_option("camera", "iso"): camera.iso = self.config.getint("camera", "iso") except Exception as e: self.logger.error("error setting picamera settings: {}".format(str(e)))
[docs] def capture_image(self, filename: str = None) -> numpy.array: """ Captures image using the Raspberry Pi Camera Module, at either max resolution, or resolution specified in the config file. Writes images disk using :func:`encode_write_np_array`, so it should write out to all supported image formats automatically. :param filename: image filename without extension :return: :func:`numpy.array` if filename not specified, otherwise list of files. :rtype: numpy.array """ st = time.time() try: with picamera.PiCamera() as camera: with picamera.array.PiRGBArray(camera) as output: time.sleep(2) # Camera warm-up time self.set_camera_settings(camera) time.sleep(0.2) self._image = numpy.empty((camera.resolution[1], camera.resolution[0], 3), dtype=numpy.uint8) camera.capture(output, 'rgb') self._image = output.array self._image = cv2.cvtColor(self._image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) if filename: filenames = self.encode_write_np_array(self._image, filename) self.logger.debug("Took {0:.2f}s to capture".format(time.time() - st)) return filenames else: self.logger.debug("Took {0:.2f}s to capture".format(time.time() - st)) except Exception as e: self.logger.critical("EPIC FAIL, trying other method. {}".format(str(e))) return self._image
[docs]class IVPortCamera(PiCamera): """ IVPort class for multiple capture. the 4 tags on the IVport are setout below. """ current_camera_index = 0 # these are for the video streaming select = 7 enable_pins = { "A": [11, 12], "B": [15, 16], "C": [21, 22], "D": [23, 24] } TRUTH_TABLE = [ [False, False, True], [True, False, True], [False, True, False], [True, True, False] ] gpio_groups = ("B",) def __init__(self, identifier: str = None, queue: deque = None, gpio_group: tuple=("B",), camera_number: int = None, **kwargs): """ special __init__ for the IVport to set the gpio enumeration This controls which gpio are on or off to select the camera and whcih camera group has been soldered on the ivport. Multiple camera groups can be specified, and they will be enumerated in alphabetical order. :param identifier: string identifier for the camera :type identifier: str :param queue: communication queue for the camera to communicate with the updater :type queue: deque :param kwargs: """ self.__class__.gpio_groups = sorted(gpio_group) if camera_number is None: super(IVPortCamera, self).__init__(identifier=identifier, queue=queue, **kwargs) else: self.__class__.current_camera_index = camera_number IVPortCamera.switch(idx=self.__class__.current_camera_index)
[docs] def setup(self): """ sets up gpio for IVPort """ super(IVPortCamera, self).setup() # switch to the current camera index. IVPortCamera.switch(idx=self.__class__.current_camera_index)
[docs] def switch(cls, idx: int = None): """ switches the IVPort to a new camera with no index, switches to the next camera, looping around from the beginning :param idx: index to switch the camera to (optional) :type idx: int """ time.sleep(1) # import RPi.GPIO as GPIO cls.current_camera_index += 1 if idx is not None: cls.current_camera_index = idx cls.current_camera_index %= (len(IVPortCamera.TRUTH_TABLE)*len(cls.gpio_groups)) # GPIO.setwarnings(False) # GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) # GPIO.setup(, GPIO.OUT) # current groups determined by the camera index / number of cameras per board (truth table len) current_group = cls.gpio_groups[int(cls.current_camera_index/len(IVPortCamera.TRUTH_TABLE))] current_pins = cls.enable_pins[current_group] print("Switching to camera {}: {}".format(current_group, cls.current_camera_index)) # GPIO.setup(current_pins[0], GPIO.OUT) # GPIO.setup(current_pins[1], GPIO.OUT) # per camera index, current camera index mod the number of cameras per board truth_table_idx = cls.current_camera_index % len(IVPortCamera.TRUTH_TABLE) pin_values = [ IVPortCamera.TRUTH_TABLE[truth_table_idx][0], IVPortCamera.TRUTH_TABLE[truth_table_idx][1], IVPortCamera.TRUTH_TABLE[truth_table_idx][2] ] # GPIO.output(, pin_values[0]) # GPIO.output(IVPortCamera.enable_pins[0], pin_values[1]) # GPIO.output(IVPortCamera.enable_pins[1], pin_values[2]) print(pin_values)
[docs] def capture_image(self, filename: str = None) -> list: """ capture method for IVPort iterates over the number of vameras :return: :func:`numpy.array` if filename not specified, otherwise list of files. :rtype: numpy.array or list """ filenames = [] st = time.time() import picamera import numpy as np try: with picamera.PiCamera() as camera: with picamera.array.PiRGBArray(camera) as _image: camera.start_preview() time.sleep(2) # Camera warm-up time self.set_camera_settings(camera) w, h = camera.resolution self._image = numpy.empty((h, w * len(IVPortCamera.TRUTH_TABLE), 3), dtype=numpy.uint8) for c in range(0, len(IVPortCamera.TRUTH_TABLE)): try: ast = time.time() IVPortCamera.switch(idx=c) camera.capture(_image, 'rgb') # _image = numpy.empty((camera.resolution[1], camera.resolution[0], 3), dtype=numpy.uint8) if filename: image_numbered = "{}-{}{}".format(os.path.splitext(filename)[0], str(c), os.path.splitext(filename)[-1]) filenames.append(self.encode_write_np_array(_image.array, image_numbered)) self.logger.debug( "Took {0:.2f}s to capture image #{1}".format(time.time() - ast, str(c))) # setup the images offset = c * w self._image[0:h, offset: offset + w] = _image.array self._image = cv2.cvtColor(self._image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) except Exception as e: self.logger.critical("Couldnt capture (IVPORT) with camera {} {}".format(str(c), str(e))) _image.truncate(0) time.sleep(0.1) self.logger.debug("Took {0:.2f}s to capture all images".format(time.time() - ast)) if filename: return filenames else: return self._image except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Couldnt acquire picam: {}".format(str(e)))
""" Threaded implementations """
[docs]class ThreadedCamera(Thread): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if hasattr(self, "identifier"): Thread.__init__(self, name=self.identifier) else: Thread.__init__(self) print("Threaded startup") # super(self.__class__, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.daemon = True if hasattr(self, "config_filename") and hasattr(self, "re_init"): SysUtil().add_watch(self.config_filename, self.re_init)
[docs]class ThreadedGPCamera(ThreadedCamera, GPCamera): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): GPCamera.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) super(ThreadedGPCamera, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def run(self): super(GPCamera, self).run()
[docs]class ThreadedIPCamera(ThreadedCamera, IPCamera): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): IPCamera.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) super(ThreadedIPCamera, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def run(self): super(IPCamera, self).run()
[docs]class ThreadedUSBCamera(ThreadedCamera, USBCamera): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): USBCamera.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) super(ThreadedUSBCamera, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def run(self): super(USBCamera, self).run()
[docs]class ThreadedPiCamera(ThreadedCamera, PiCamera): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): PiCamera.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) super(ThreadedPiCamera, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def run(self): super(PiCamera, self).run()
[docs]class ThreadedIVPortCamera(ThreadedCamera, IVPortCamera): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): IVPortCamera.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) super(ThreadedIVPortCamera, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def run(self): super(IVPortCamera, self).run()