Source code for pantiltzoomlib

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Nov 17 10:24:49 2014

:author: chuong nguyen,
:author: Gareth Dunstone,


import sys
import os, json
from datetime import datetime
from io import BytesIO
import shutil
import logging, logging.config
import numpy as np
import time
import csv
import yaml
import tempfile
from libs.Uploader import GenericUploader
from libs.Updater import Updater
from libs.Camera import Camera, GPCamera, IPCamera
from libs.PanTilt import PanTilt
import cv2
import datetime



[docs]def draw_matches_opencv(img1, kp1, img2, kp2, matches): """ Source: This function takes in two images with their associated keypoints, as well as a list of DMatch data structure (matches) that contains which keypoints matched in which images. An image will be produced where a montage is shown with the first image followed by the second image beside it. Keypoints are delineated with circles, while lines are connected between matching keypoints. :param img1: grayscale image :type img1: np.ndarray :param kp1: Detected list of keypoints through any of the OpenCV keypoint detection algorithms :type kp1: list :param img2: grayscale image :type img2: np.ndarray :param kp2: Detected list of keypoints through any of the OpenCV keypoint detection algorithms :type kp2: list :param matches: A list of matches of corresponding keypoints through any OpenCV keypoint matching algorithm :type matches: list :return: image of matches between images. :rtype: np.ndarray """ import cv2 # define a taget height TARGETHEIGHT = 800 # Create a new output image that concatenates the two images together # (a.k.a) a montage rows1 = img1.shape[0] cols1 = img1.shape[1] rows2 = img2.shape[0] cols2 = img2.shape[1] out = np.zeros((max([rows1, rows2]), cols1 + cols2, 3), dtype='uint8') # Place the first image to the left out[:rows1, :cols1, :] = np.dstack([img1, img1, img1]) # Place the next image to the right of it out[:rows2, cols1:cols1 + cols2, :] = np.dstack([img2, img2, img2]) ar = out.shape[1] / out.shape[0] w = int(TARGETHEIGHT * ar) # For each pair of points we have between both images # draw circles, then connect a line between them for mat in matches: # Get the matching keypoints for each of the images img1_idx = mat.queryIdx img2_idx = mat.trainIdx # x - columns # y - rows (x1, y1) = kp1[img1_idx].pt (x2, y2) = kp2[img2_idx].pt # Draw a small circle at both co-ordinates # radius 4 # colour blue # thickness = 1, (int(x1), int(y1)), 4, (255, 0, 0), 1), (int(x2) + cols1, int(y2)), 4, (255, 0, 0), 1) # Draw a line in between the two points # thickness = 3 # colour red green blue cv2.line(out, (int(x1), int(y1)), (int(x2) + cols1, int(y2)), (0, 0, 255), max(int(out.shape[0] / TARGETHEIGHT), 2)) # rescale image here. out = cv2.resize(out, (w, TARGETHEIGHT)) return out
[docs]def get_displacement_opencv(image0, image1): """ Gets displacement (in pixels I think) difference between 2 images using opencv :param image0: reference image :type image0: np.ndarray :param image1: target image :type image1: np.ndarray :return: """ import cv2 img1 = cv2.cvtColor(image0, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) img2 = cv2.cvtColor(image1, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # Create ORB detector with 1000 keypoints with a scaling pyramid factor of 1.2 # gareth changed here from cv2.ORB to cv2.ORB_create for opencv3.1.0 compatibility. orb = cv2.ORB_create(1000, 1.2) # Detect keypoints (kp1, des1) = orb.detectAndCompute(img1, None) (kp2, des2) = orb.detectAndCompute(img2, None) # Create matcher and do matching bf = cv2.BFMatcher(cv2.NORM_HAMMING, crossCheck=True) matches = bf.match(des1, des2) # Sort the matches based on distance. Least distance # is better matches = sorted(matches, key=lambda val: val.distance) # collect displacement from the first 10 matches dx_list = [] dy_list = [] for mat in matches[:20]: # Get the matching keypoints for each of the images img1_idx = mat.queryIdx img2_idx = mat.trainIdx # x - columns # y - rows (x1, y1) = kp1[img1_idx].pt (x2, y2) = kp2[img2_idx].pt dx_list.append(abs(x1 - x2)) dy_list.append(abs(y1 - y2)) dx_median = np.median(np.asarray(dx_list, dtype=np.double)) dy_median = np.median(np.asarray(dy_list, dtype=np.double)) img3 = draw_matches_opencv(img1, kp1, img2, kp2, matches[:20]) cv2.imwrite("matches.jpg", img3) del img1 del img2 return dx_median, dy_median
[docs]def get_displacement(image0, image1): """ Gets displacement (in pixels I think) difference between 2 images using scikit-image not as accurate as the opencv version i think. :param image0: reference image :param image1: target image :return: """ from skimage.feature import (match_descriptors, ORB, plot_matches) from skimage.color import rgb2gray from scipy.spatial.distance import hamming from scipy import misc image0_gray = rgb2gray(image0) image1_gray = rgb2gray(image1) descriptor_extractor = ORB(n_keypoints=200) descriptor_extractor.detect_and_extract(image0_gray) keypoints1 = descriptor_extractor.keypoints descriptors1 = descriptor_extractor.descriptors descriptor_extractor.detect_and_extract(image1_gray) keypoints2 = descriptor_extractor.keypoints descriptors2 = descriptor_extractor.descriptors matches12 = match_descriptors(descriptors1, descriptors2, cross_check=True) # Sort the matches based on distance. Least distance # is better distances12 = [] for match in matches12: distance = hamming(descriptors1[match[0]], descriptors2[match[1]]) distances12.append(distance) indices = np.arange(len(matches12)) indices = [index for (_, index) in sorted(zip(distances12, indices))] matches12 = matches12[indices] # collect displacement from the first 10 matches dx_list = [] dy_list = [] for mat in matches12[:10]: # Get the matching key points for each of the images img1_idx = mat[0] img2_idx = mat[1] # x - columns # y - rows (x1, y1) = keypoints1[img1_idx] (x2, y2) = keypoints2[img2_idx] dx_list.append(abs(x1 - x2)) dy_list.append(abs(y1 - y2)) dx_median = np.median(np.asarray(dx_list, dtype=np.double)) dy_median = np.median(np.asarray(dy_list, dtype=np.double)) # plot_matches(image0, image1, descriptors1, descriptors2, matches12[:10]) return dx_median, dy_median
[docs]def sec2human(seconds) -> str: """ formats a timedelta object into semi-fuzzy human readable time periods. :param seconds: seconds to format into a time period :type seconds: int or float :return: human readable string :rtype: str """ periods = [ ('year', 60 * 60 * 24 * 365), ('month', 60 * 60 * 24 * 30), ('day', 60 * 60 * 24), ('hour', 60 * 60), ('minute', 60), ('second', 1) ] strings = [] for period_name, period_seconds in periods: if seconds > period_seconds: period_value, seconds = divmod(seconds, period_seconds) fmt_st = "{val} {name}" if period_value == 1 else "{val} {name}s" strings.append(fmt_st.format(val=period_value, name=period_name)) return ", ".join(strings)
[docs]class Panorama(object): """ Panorama class. Provides the calibration and creation of tiled panoramas with a configuration file. """ accuracy = 3 def __init__(self, config=None, config_filename=None, queue=None): if not config: config = dict() if config_filename: config = yaml.load(open(config_filename).read()) config = config.copy() = config.get("name", "DEFAULT_PANO_NAME") self.logger = logging.getLogger( self._output_dir = os.path.join(config.get("output_dir", "/home/images/upload"), self._spool_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp( self.output_dir = self._output_dir start_time_string = str(config.get('starttime', "0000")) start_time_string = start_time_string.replace(":", "") end_time_string = str(config.get('stoptime', "2359")) end_time_string = end_time_string.replace(":", "") start_time_string = start_time_string[:4] end_time_string = end_time_string[:4] assert end_time_string.isdigit(), "Non numerical start time, {}".format(str(end_time_string)) self.begin_capture = datetime.datetime.strptime(start_time_string, "%H%M").time() assert end_time_string.isdigit(), "Non numerical start time, {}".format(str(end_time_string)) self.end_capture = datetime.datetime.strptime(end_time_string, "%H%M").time() self.interval = config.get("interval", 3600) camera = None ptz = None try: while not camera: camera_config = config.get("camera") if not camera_config: raise ValueError("No 'camera' section found in config file.") if camera_config == "DSLR": import gphoto2cffi as gp cameras = gp.list_cameras() if not len(cameras): raise FileNotFoundError("No DSLR connected.") camera = GPCamera(cameras[0].status.serialnumber, queue=queue) elif type(camera_config) is dict: camera = IPCamera(, config=camera_config, queue=queue) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Couldnt initialise Camera: " + str(e)) time.sleep(30) camera = None self._camera = camera if self._camera: fov = config.get("camera_fov") if fov: self._camera.hfov, self._camera.vfov = fov self.logger.debug("Camera initialised") while not ptz: try: ptz_config = config.get("ptz") if not ptz_config: raise ValueError("No 'ptz' section found in config file.") ptz = PanTilt(config=ptz_config, queue=queue) self.logger.debug("ptz initialised") except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Couldnt initialise PTZ: " + str(e)) time.sleep(30) ptz = None self._pantilt = ptz # this is vital to create the output folder self._image_overlap = float(config.get("overlap", 50)) / 100 self._seconds_per_image = 5 self._csv_log = None self._recovery_filename = ".gv_recover.json" self._recovery_file = dict(image_index=0) try: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self._recovery_filename)): with open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self._recovery_filename), "r") as file: self._recovery_file = json.loads( except: with open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self._recovery_filename), "w+") as f: f.write("{}") self._recovery_file = json.loads( first_corner = config.get("first_corner", [100, 20]) second_corner = config.get("second_corner", [300, -20]) assert type(first_corner) in (list, tuple), "first corner must be a list or tuple" assert type(second_corner) in (list, tuple), "second corner must be a list or tuple" assert len(first_corner) == 2, "first corner must be of length 2" assert len(second_corner) == 2, "second corner must be of length 2" self._pan_range = sorted([first_corner[0], second_corner[0]]) self._tilt_range = sorted([first_corner[1], second_corner[1]]) self._pan_step = self._tilt_step = None self._pan_pos_list = self._tilt_pos_list = list() self._camera.focus_mode = "AUTO" scan_order_unparsed = config.get("scan_order", "0") self._scan_order_translation = { 'cols,right': 0, 'cols,left': 1, 'rows,down': 2, 'rows,up': 3, "0": 0, "1": 1, "2": 2, "3": 3, 0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3 } self._scan_order_translation_r = { 0: 'cols,right', 1: 'cols,left', 2: 'rows,down', 3: 'rows,up' } self._scan_order = self._scan_order_translation.get(str(scan_order_unparsed).lower().replace(" ", ""), 0)
[docs] def set_current_as_first_corner(self): """ This and :func:`set_current_as_second_corner`, both internally call enumerate positions. """ self.first_corner = self._pantilt.position
[docs] def set_current_as_second_corner(self): """ See :func:`set_current_as_first_corner`. """ self.second_corner = self._pantilt.position
[docs] def enumerate_positions(self): """ Uses the currrent image overlap, camera fov and corners to calculate a "grid" of pan and tilt positions. Also sets the internal enumeration of pan/tilt positions. """ self.logger.debug("Enumerating positions") self._pan_step = (1 - self._image_overlap) * self._camera.hfov self._tilt_step = (1 - self._image_overlap) * self._camera.vfov pan_start = self._pan_range[0] pan_stop = self._pan_range[1] tilt_start = self._tilt_range[0] tilt_stop = self._tilt_range[1] if self._scan_order == 1: # cols left pan_start, pan_stop = pan_stop, pan_start self._pan_step *= -1 elif self._scan_order == 3: # rows up tilt_start, tilt_stop = tilt_stop, tilt_start self._tilt_step *= -1 self._pan_pos_list = np.arange(pan_start, pan_stop, self._pan_step) self._tilt_pos_list = np.arange(tilt_start, tilt_stop, self._tilt_step) self.logger.debug("pan {}-{}".format(pan_start, pan_stop)) self.logger.debug("tilt {}-{}".format(tilt_start, tilt_stop))
@property def summary(self) -> str: """ returns a human readable summary of the panorama parameters. These include pan step, camera fov etc. :return: information about the panorama :rtype: str """ self.enumerate_positions() max_num_images = len(self._pan_pos_list) * len(self._tilt_pos_list) last_image_index = int(self._recovery_file.get("image_index", 0)) s = "\n" s += "----- PANO SUMMARY -----\n" s += "This panorama has {}(H) x {}(V) = {} images\n".format( len(self._pan_pos_list), len(self._tilt_pos_list), max_num_images) s += "Camera fov {0:.2f}|{1:.2f}\n".format(, minutes, seconds = divmod(self._seconds_per_image * (max_num_images - last_image_index), 60) if last_image_index > 0: s += "RECOVERY AT {}\n".format(last_image_index) s += "This will complete in approx {0:.2f} min {1:.2f} sec\n".format(minutes, seconds) s += "pan step = {0:.3f} deg, tilt step = {1:.3f} deg\n".format(self._pan_step, self._tilt_step) s += "------------------------\n" return s @property def camera(self) -> Camera: return self._camera @camera.setter def camera(self, value: Camera): self._camera = value @property def pantilt(self) -> PanTilt: return self._pantilt @pantilt.setter def pantilt(self, value: PanTilt): self._pantilt = value @property def image_overlap(self): return self._image_overlap @image_overlap.setter def image_overlap(self, value): self._image_overlap = value @property def scan_order(self) -> str: return self._scan_order_translation_r.get(self._scan_order, "cols,right") @scan_order.setter def scan_order(self, value: str): self._scan_order = self._scan_order_translation.get(str(value).lower().replace(" ", ""), 0) @property def output_dir(self) -> str: return self._output_dir @output_dir.setter def output_dir(self, value: str): assert type(value) is str, "Set the output folder to a string" if not os.path.isdir(value): os.makedirs(value) self._output_dir = value @property def panorama_fov(self) -> tuple: """ Gets the total fov of the Panorama. :return: total fov of the panorama as (hfov, vfov) :rtype: tuple[float, float] """ return self._pan_range, self._tilt_range @panorama_fov.setter def panorama_fov(self, value: tuple): """ sets the pan range and tilt range of the panorama using the fov, and centre points :param value: 4 length tuple of pan_fov, tilt_fov, pan_centre, tilt_centre :type value: tuple """ try: pan_fov, tilt_fov, pan_centre, tilt_centre = value except ValueError: raise ValueError("You must pass an iterable with the PanFov, TiltFov, PanCentre, TiltCentre") self._pan_range = [pan_centre - (pan_fov / 2), pan_centre + (pan_fov / 2)] self._tilt_range = [tilt_centre - (tilt_fov / 2), tilt_centre + (tilt_fov / 2)] self.enumerate_positions() @property def first_corner(self) -> tuple: """ the starting corner of the panorama. :return: tuple of first corner as (pan,tilt) :rtype: tuple[float,float] """ return self._pan_range[0], self._tilt_range[1] @first_corner.setter def first_corner(self, value): assert type(value) in (list, tuple), "must be a list or tuple" assert len(value) == 2, "must have 2 elements" self._pan_range[0], self._tilt_range[1] = value self.enumerate_positions() @property def center(self) -> tuple: """ :return: tuple of center position as (pan,tilt) :rtype: tuple[float,float] """ return tuple((np.array(self.first_corner) + np.array(self.second_corner)) / 2) @property def second_corner(self): """ the finishing corner of the panorama. :return: tuple of second corner as (pan,tilt) :rtype: tuple[float,float] """ return self._pan_range[1], self._tilt_range[0] @second_corner.setter def second_corner(self, value): assert type(value) in (list, tuple), "must be a list or tuple" assert len(value) == 2, "must have 2 elements" self._pan_range[1], self._tilt_range[0] = value self.enumerate_positions() @staticmethod
[docs] def format_calibration(fovlists: tuple, test: str) -> str: """ formats a list of calibrated tuple of lists of fields of view and gives some statistics about the measurements. :param fovlists: 2 length tuple of lists of hfov and vfov - tuple(list(hfov), list(vfov)) :type fovlists: tuple[ list(float), list(float) ] :param test: prefix for put before the output (ie, which number test it is) :type test: str :return: formattted string of the camera calibration. :rtype: str """ s = u"\n{test_num}).\n\tHFOV:\n{havg:.2f}±{havar:.4f},\tσ: {hstdev}\n\tVFOV:\n{vavg:.2f}±{vavar:.4f},\tσ: {vstdev:.4f}\n" h, v = fovlists return s.format( test_num=test, havg=np.average(h), havar=max(h) - min(h), hstdev=np.std(h), vavg=np.average(v), vavar=max(v) - min(v), vstdev=np.std(v) )
[docs] def test_calibration(self, number_of_tests: int): """ Tests the calibration process for accuracy, and prints the output values. :param number_of_tests: number of times to calibrate and compare calibration values. """ import random"Testing {} times".format(number_of_tests)) # tests = dict((_, int(random.uniform(1, 4))) for _ in range(number_of_tests)) def get_unif(): a = random.uniform(2, 2) while abs(a) < 1: a = random.uniform(2, 2) return a tests = {_: 2 for _ in range(number_of_tests)} self._pantilt.position = np.mean(self._pantilt.pan_range), 0 for test, inc in tests.items():"Testing with opencv {}".format(test)) fovlists = self.calibrate_fov_list(increment=inc), test)) self._pantilt._position = np.mean(self._pantilt.pan_range), 0"Testing without opencv {}".format(test)) fovlists = self.calibrate_fov_list(increment=inc, use_opencv=False), test)) self._pantilt.position = np.mean(self._pantilt.pan_range), 0
[docs] def calibrate_fov_list(self, zoom_list: list = range(50, 1000, 100), panpos: float = None, tiltpos: float = None, increment: float = 2, use_opencv: bool = True) -> tuple: """ calibrates the Panorama for a list of zoom levels. :param zoom_list: list of zoom positions to calibrate :param panpos: pan position to calibrate :param tiltpos: tilt "" :param increment: pan increment amount for the calibration :param use_opencv: whether to use opencv :return: 2 length tuple of lists of hfov and vfov - tuple(list(hfov), list(vfov)) """ camhfovlist = [] camvfovlist = [] self._pantilt.zoom_position = zoom_list[0] - 5 time.sleep(1) curpos = self._pantilt.position panpos = panpos or curpos[0] tiltpos = tiltpos or curpos[1] for idx, zoompos in enumerate(zoom_list): self._pantilt._position = np.mean(self._pantilt.pan_range), 0 self._pantilt.zoom_position = zoompos"Calibrating {}/{}".format(idx + 1, len(zoom_list))) time.sleep(1) hf, vf = self.calibrate_fov(zoompos, panpos, tiltpos, increment, use_opencv=use_opencv) if hf and vf: camhfovlist.append(hf) camvfovlist.append(vf) time.sleep(1) self._pantilt.position = panpos, tiltpos return camhfovlist, camvfovlist
[docs] def calibrate_fov(self, zoom_pos: float, pan_pos: float, tilt_pos: float, increment: float, use_opencv: bool = True) -> tuple: """ Capture images at different pan/tilt angles, then measure the pixel displacement between the images to estimate the field-of-view angle. This function is also designed to reject outliers when measuring. :param zoom_pos: begin zoom position :type zoom_pos: float :param pan_pos: begin pan position :type pan_pos: float :param tilt_pos: begin tilt position :type tilt_pos: float :param increment: amount to increment to get displacement. :type increment: float :param use_opencv: Whether to use opencv or scikit image for displacement algorithm :type use_opencv: bool :return: tuple of hfov, vfov estimates :rtype: tuple[float,float] """ self._pantilt.zoom_position = zoom_pos self._camera.capture() hestimates = [] vestimates = [] # add nearby position to reduce backlash self._pantilt.position = (pan_pos, tilt_pos) time.sleep(0.2) hfov_estimate = vfov_estimate = hfov = vfov = None reference_image = displaced_image = None reference_position = self._pantilt.position while True: reference_image = self._camera.capture() if reference_image is not None: reference_image = reference_image break def reject_outliers(data, m=2.): try: d = np.abs(data - np.median(data)) mdev = np.median(d) s = d / mdev if mdev else 0. return data[s < m] except: self.logger.error("Error rejecting outliers") return data def measure(movement: float) -> tuple: movement = (movement, movement) displ_image = None self._pantilt.position = pan_pos, tilt_pos pos = self._pantilt.position position = (pos[0] + movement[0], pos[1] + movement[1]) # print("Measuring at {}|{}".format(*position)) self._pantilt.position = position time.sleep(0.25) while True: # make sure camera finishes refocusing displ_image = self._camera.capture() if displ_image is not None: break if use_opencv: dx, dy = get_displacement_opencv(reference_image, displ_image) else: dx, dy = get_displacement(reference_image, displ_image) assert dx != 0 and dy != 0, "Couldn't get displacement" dxp = dx / reference_image.shape[1] dyp = dy / reference_image.shape[0] if dxp > 0.35 or dyp > 0.35: return None, None ptzpos = self._pantilt.position displacement = abs(ptzpos[0] - reference_position[0]), abs(ptzpos[1] - reference_position[1]) if abs(displacement[0] - movement[0]) > 1.0: self.logger.error("Displacement error pan {0:.4f}".format(abs(displacement[0] - movement[0]))) if abs(displacement[1] - movement[1]) > 1.0: self.logger.error("Displacement error tilt {0:.4f}".format(abs(displacement[1] - movement[1]))) hfovt = reference_image.shape[1] * displacement[0] / dx vfovt = reference_image.shape[0] * displacement[1] / dy self.logger.debug("Guess: {0:.3f}|{1:.3f}".format(hfovt, vfovt)) return hfovt, vfovt hestimates = [] vestimates = [] for a in np.arange(1, 20, 0.25): h, v = measure(a * increment) if not all((h, v)): break hestimates.append(h) vestimates.append(v) else: self.logger.error("probably very wrong calibration for some reason") return None, None lh, lv = len(hestimates), len(vestimates) hestimates, vestimates = reject_outliers(np.array(hestimates)), reject_outliers(np.array(vestimates))"removed outliers: h{} v{} ".format(lh - len(hestimates), lv - len(vestimates))) hfov_estimate, vfov_estimate = np.mean(hestimates), np.mean(vestimates), vestimates), "This guess: ")) self._pantilt._position = np.mean(self._pantilt.pan_range), 0 time.sleep(1) return hfov_estimate, vfov_estimate
[docs] def quick_calibrate(self, increment: float): """ Performs a quick calibration, a single time, and store the calibration values in the child camera object, and the child ptz object. :param increment: amount to increment by until we get optimal displacement. :type increment: float """ h, v = self.calibrate_fov(self._pantilt._zoom_position, float(np.mean(self._pan_range)), float(np.mean(self._tilt_range)), increment=increment) self._pantilt.zoom_list = [0] self._camera.vfov_list = [v] self._camera.hfov_list = [h] self._camera.hfov = h self._camera.vfov = v
def _init_csv_log(self, path: str): self._csv_log = path if not os.path.exists(self._csv_log): with open(self._csv_log, 'w') as file: file.write("image_index,pan_deg,tilt_deg,zoom_pos,focus_pos\n")
[docs] def load_csv_log(self) -> dict: """ loads a csv log into a dictionary so that we can continue to write to it. :return: dict of values in the csv. """ if not os.path.isfile(self._csv_log): self._init_csv_log(self._csv_log) cfg = {"image_index": [], "pan_deg": [], "tilt_deg": [], "zoom_pos": [], "focus_pos": []} with open(self._csv_log) as file: csvread = csv.DictReader(file) for row in csvread: cfg["image_index"].append(int(row["image_index"])) cfg["pan_deg"].append(float(row["pan_deg"])) cfg["tilt_deg"].append(float(row["tilt_deg"])) cfg["zoom_pos"].append(int(row["zoom_pos"])) fp = row["focus_pos"] if fp == "None": fp = self._camera.focus_position else: fp = int(float(fp)) cfg["focus_pos"].append(fp) return cfg
[docs] def write_csv_log(self, image_index, pan_pos, tilt_pos): """ writes a new line of values to the csv log. :param image_index: current index to be written :param pan_pos: the current pan position :param tilt_pos: the current tilt position. """ if self._csv_log and os.path.isfile(self._csv_log): with open(self._csv_log, 'a') as File: File.write("{},{},{},{},{}\n".format( image_index, pan_pos, tilt_pos, self._pantilt.zoom_position, self._camera.focus_position))
[docs] def write_to_recovery_file(self, index, started_time): """ writes the current state to the recovery file. :param index: the current index into the panorama. :param started_time: the time the panorama was started. """ self._recovery_file['image_index'] = index with open(self._recovery_filename, 'w') as file: data = {"cols": len(self._pan_pos_list), "rows": len(self._tilt_pos_list), "image_index": index, "sec_per_image": self._seconds_per_image, "started_time": started_time} file.write(json.dumps(data))
[docs] def take_panorama(self): """ takes a panorama using the current values stored in this :class:`Panorama` object. """ ts_fmt = "%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_00_00" last_image_captured = 0 now = self.logger.debug("Moving to center to focus...") self._pantilt.position = np.mean(self._pan_range), np.mean(self._tilt_range) time.sleep(1) self._camera.focus() time.sleep(1) last_started = self._recovery_file.get('started_time', None) if last_started: last_started = datetime.datetime.strptime(last_started, ts_fmt) if int(now.timestamp()) - int(last_started.timestamp()) < self.interval: now = last_started else: self.logger.warning("Recovery exists, but its now too late. Starting from beginning.") self.write_to_recovery_file(0, now.strftime(ts_fmt)) this_dir = os.path.join(self._output_dir, now.strftime("%Y_%m_%d_%H")) os.makedirs(this_dir, exist_ok=True) self._csv_log = now.strftime("{name}-" + ts_fmt + ".csv").format( cfg = self.load_csv_log() focus_list = cfg.get('focus_pos', []) start_time = time.time() # this is just here in case you want to update overview.jpg # im1 = cv2.resize(, None, fx=0.1, fy=0.1) # overview = np.zeros((im1.shape[0]*len(self._tilt_pos_list), # im1.shape[1]*len(self._pan_pos_list), # 3), np.uint8) # cv2.imwrite("overview.jpg", overview) def cap(_pan_pos: float, _tilt_pos: float, _image_index: int, lcap: int) -> int: """ captures an image for the position _pan_pos,_tilt_pos with the image index _image_index :param _pan_pos: the pan position to take an image :param _tilt_pos: the tilt position to take an image :param _image_index: index of the current image. used to write the image filename. :param lcap: used to calculate how long capture is taking. :return: """ self._pantilt.position = _pan_pos, _tilt_pos time.sleep(0.1) self.write_csv_log(_image_index, _pan_pos, _tilt_pos) self.write_to_recovery_file(_image_index, now.strftime(ts_fmt)) for _ in range(0, 15): filename = os.path.join(self._spool_dir, now.strftime("{name}_" + ts_fmt + "_{index:04}").format(, index=_image_index + 1)) try: output_filenames = list(self._camera.capture(filename=filename)) # output_filenames = self._camera.capture_monkey(filename=filename) if type(output_filenames) is list and len(output_filenames): # image = cv2.resize(, # None, fx=0.1, fy=0.1, # interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) # yoff = _i * image.shape[0] # xoff = _j * image.shape[1] # overview[yoff:yoff+image.shape[0], xoff:xoff+image.shape[1]] = image # cv2.imwrite("overview.jpg", overview) for f in output_filenames: shutil.move(f, os.path.join(this_dir, os.path.basename(f)))"wrote image {}/{}".format(_image_index + 1, (len(self._pan_pos_list) * len( self._tilt_pos_list)))) lcap += 1 # update time per image current_time = time.time() self._seconds_per_image = (current_time - start_time) / lcap"Seconds per image {0:.2f}s".format(self._seconds_per_image)) return lcap except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Bad things happened: {}".format(str(e))) else: self.logger.error("failed capturing!") return lcap # reverse it because we should start from top and go down tilt_pos_list = list(reversed(self._tilt_pos_list)) pan_pos_list = self._pan_pos_list if self.scan_order == 1: # cols left pan_pos_list = self._pan_pos_list tilt_pos_list = list(reversed(self._tilt_pos_list)) elif self.scan_order == 3: # rows up tilt_pos_list = self._tilt_pos_list pan_pos_list = list(reversed(self._pan_pos_list)) recovery_index = self._recovery_file.get('image_index', 0) if self._scan_order >= 2: for i, tilt_pos in enumerate(tilt_pos_list): for j, pan_pos in enumerate(pan_pos_list): image_index = i * len(pan_pos_list) + j if image_index < recovery_index: continue last_image_captured = cap(pan_pos, tilt_pos, image_index, last_image_captured) else: for j, pan_pos in enumerate(pan_pos_list): for i, tilt_pos in enumerate(tilt_pos_list): image_index = j * (len(tilt_pos_list)) + i if image_index < recovery_index: continue last_image_captured = cap(pan_pos, tilt_pos, image_index, last_image_captured) shutil.move(self._csv_log, os.path.join(self._output_dir, os.path.basename(self._csv_log))) os.remove(self._recovery_filename) self._recovery_file['image_index'] = 0"Panorama complete in {}".format(sec2human(time.time() - start_time)))
[docs] def calibrate_and_run(self): """ calibrates, and takes a panorama. """ self._pantilt.position = np.mean(self._pantilt.pan_range), 0 fovlists = self.calibrate_fov_list(zoom_list=list(range(2)), increment=2)"Calibration complete"), "Calibration results: ")) h, v = fovlists try: self._camera.zoom_list = list(range(2)) self._camera.vfov_list = v self._camera.hfov_list = h self._camera.hfov = np.mean(h) self._camera.vfov = np.mean(v) self.enumerate_positions() except Exception as e: self.logger.error(str(e)) self.take_panorama()
[docs] def run_from_config(self): """ Prints the summary and takes a panorama """ self.take_panorama()
[docs] def time2seconds(t: datetime.datetime) -> int: """ converts a datetime to an integer of seconds since epoch :return: seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00 :rtype: int """ try: return int(t.timestamp()) except: # only implemented in python3.3 # this is an old compatibility thing return t.hour * 60 * 60 + t.minute * 60 + t.second
[docs] def time_to_capture(self): """ filters out times for capture, returns True by default returns False if the conditions where the camera should NOT capture are met. :return: whether we should start capturing images now or not :rtype: bool """ current_capture_time = current_naive_time = current_capture_time.time() if self.begin_capture < self.end_capture: # where the start capture time is less than the end capture time if not self.begin_capture <= current_naive_time <= self.end_capture: return False else: # where the start capture time is greater than the end capture time # i.e. capturing across midnight. if self.end_capture <= current_naive_time <= self.begin_capture: return False # capture interval if not (self.time2seconds(current_capture_time) % self.interval < Panorama.accuracy): return False return True
@property def next_pano(self): """ calculates the amount of time until the next panorama :return: time until the next panorama (in seconds) :rtype: int """ nextin = self.time2seconds( nowstamp = self.time2seconds( while True: nextin += 1 if (nextin % self.interval) < Panorama.accuracy: break return nextin - nowstamp
[docs] def run_loop(self): """ runs the panorama taker in a loop based on the interval in the config file. """ while True: if self.time_to_capture(): self.take_panorama()"Next pano in {}".format(sec2human(self.next_pano))) time.sleep(1)
if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) < 2: print("Usage \" /path/to/config.yml\"") sys.exit() config_file = sys.argv[-1] updater = Updater() # updater.start() config = dict() with open(config_file) as config_fh: config = yaml.load( pano = Panorama(config=config, queue=updater.communication_queue) # pano.test_calibration(1) if config.get("upload", dict()).get("enabled") != False: uploader = GenericUploader(, config=config) uploader.daemon = True uploader.start() pano.take_panorama()"Next pano in {}".format(sec2human(pano.next_pano))) pano.run_loop()