Ansible Deployment§


You need Ansible version 2.3 installed locally

# pip install git+

You must also have the sshpass program (according to ansible), this is ussed only for first setup of ssh keyfile access.

if you are using ArchLinux

# pacman -S sshpass

or if you are using Ubuntu/Debian

# apt-get install sshpass


Add your ssh public key to the ansible/keys folder (you can also delete ours from there, unless you really trust us).

For a local user account to be made there must be an entry in ansible/vars/userlist.yml and with a reference to your ssh key. You need to add your ssh key to the list of keys for the user “alarm”, as this is the user that ansible needs to install things.

Do not remove clear_password from the alarm user!

The contents of users file should look something like this:

  - name: alarm,  shell: /bin/bash, groups: [wheel, adm, users],
      clear_password: yes,
      keys: []}
  - {name: your_username,  shell: /bin/bash, groups: [wheel, adm, users],
      keys: []}

After the first login this playbook locks down authentication (including disabling password logins) and doesn’t check to see whether an ssh key has been added, so you could lock yourself out.


If you want the RPi to be connected to an openvpn server, add your openvpn profile in to the secure directory (ansible/secure/my_vpn_conf.conf) and set the vpn_conf variable in eyepi.yml and it will copy and activate/enable that profile.

Setting up the Raspberry Pi§

Create an SD card with the latest Archlinux Arm (see the installation guide)

Log into the raspberry pi using ssh with the username:password alarm:alarm and install python2.

The RPi doesn’t have sudo installed yet, so you must use su. The root password is root:

[alarm@alarm ~]$ su
[root@alarm ~]$ pacman -Syy python2

Add the ip address of the RPi to the list in the ansible/hosts file so that it looks like this:


rpi_name ansible_host=your_rpi_ip_address

ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python2 integration§

If you have an api key for you can put it in the [all:vars] section of hosts



Extra Options§

You can opt to build gphoto2 and libgphoto2 by setting the build_gphoto2 to True in the [all:vars] section

Running the play§

To run the play

$ ansible-playbook -i hosts eyepi.yml

You can use the same command to update the software on the RPi if it has the same ip address.