
Web interface flask app for spc-eyepi, intended to be accessed by an end user.

Supports password authentication using bcrypt password hashing.

webinterface.add_user(username: str, password_to_set: str, adminpass: str = None) → bool[source]§

Creates a new user in the small db, or changes the password if it exists.

If the admin password is provided and matches the ‘admin’ users password hash in the db, allows adding of new users and modification of other users accounts.

Hashes passwords using flask_bcrypt before storing them in the db.

TODO: this should be moved to api

  • username (str) – username to modify
  • password_to_set (str) – plaintext password
  • adminpass (str) –

whether the operation was sucessful

Return type:



Administration page view


Call after request helper.

Parameters:func (types.FunctionType) – function to call
Returns:provided function
Return type:types.FunctionType

really this should just return a 404 for it to be really secure. But I use the message sometimes.

Returns:401 Access Denied Response
Return type:Response

Gets the available networks doing a scan with … wlp6s0?

todo: get fluffybunny to fix this.

Returns:Streamed response of networks as they are enumerated by the scan, newline separated.
Return type:Response

401 error handler

Returns:401 page
Return type:Response

Intentionally load a nonexistent template to start the werkezeug interactive debugger

webinterface.cap_lock_wait(port: str, serialnumber: str) → bool[source]§

captures and writes an image to static/temp with the file name of the serial number.

todo: Does this even work? this is old and prbably broken FIX MEEEEE!

  • port (str) – sub port
  • serialnumber (str) – serial number of the camera

whether a frame has been written to disk

Return type:


webinterface.capture_preview(serialnumber: str) → bool[source]§

capture a preview image once.

todo: see cap_lock_wait()

Returns:whether the capture was a success
Return type:bool

Changes the hostname on the machine, including the /etc/hosts file. Also goes through all the configuration files looking for the old hostname.

Returns:string response indicating success or 400 response if form is incomplete or if writing files failed.
Return type:str or Response
webinterface.check_auth(username: str, password: str) → bool[source]§

validataion of auth. Username and password are checked against the bcrypt password hash in the database.

  • username (str) –
  • password (str) –

whether the supplied password matches the hash of the one stored in the database

Return type:


webinterface.commit_ip(ipaddress: str = None, subnet: str = None, gateway: str = None, dev='eth0')[source]§

Index view.

Configuration page for Cameras.


deletes a configuration file from the config directory.

Returns:string response indicating success or failure
Return type:str

file management view

Information about the system storage status per block device, allows transfer of files to usb etc.


view function to focus the cameras.

todo: move to api

webinterface.gen(camera) → bytes[source]§

Video streaming generator function.

Intentionally limited to 10fps to account for bad quality connection and slow hardware.

this should be used as the argument for a Response along with the mimetype multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=frame to ensure that the browser correctly replaces the previous frame, and knows to continue to stream.

Returns:image frame as encoded bytes, almost a complete response.
Return type:bytes
webinterface.get_hostname() → str[source]§

Hostname of the system as a string.

Returns:the current hostname
Return type:str

View to serve an image (like from a camera), from the static/temp directory.

the static/temp dir is normally symlinked to /dev/shm or /tmp, the location where the main capture script drops the last image.

Parameters:path (str) – path/name of the image, without the extension (.jpg is added)
Returns:image response
Return type:Response
webinterface.get_resource(selector, path)[source]§

serves css and js files from the static directory

  • selector – type of resource (“js” or “css”)
  • path – name/path of the file.

file Response

Return type:


webinterface.get_time() → str[source]§

Almost iso8601 formatted time string.

Returns:time string formatted with ‘YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss’
Return type:str
webinterface.get_version() → str[source]§

Current git version of spc-eyepi.

Return type:str

API enpoint for getting a filtered log view.

TODO: move this to api


Image preview view.

Allows the capture of a new image and replace in the client


Streaming from a specific picamera with the IVPort multiplexer

Actually calls pi_feed(), because the IVPOrt multiplexer works on the picamera.

Returns:streamed image Response or emptystring (as per pi_feed)
Return type:Response or str
webinterface.ivport_switch(cam_num) → str[source]§

Switch the current ivport picamera thread

Parameters:cam_num (int) – index to switch to.
Returns:string of the camera number that was switched to
Return type:str

log view function

TODO: do we have like 3 log page view functions? collect them into one.

webinterface.make_dynamic(dev: str)[source]§

disable static ip addressing using systemctl.

Dont use this, it is probably broken.

Parameters:dev (str) – device to change (eth0, wlp3s0 etc).

network view


POST endpoint for adding a user.

Accepts ‘username’, ‘pass’, ‘adminpass’ form arguments.

Password has a minimum of 5 chars.

todo: this should be moved to api, and should be jsonified like a real api.

Returns:string response indicating success or 400 response if request type is not POST.
Return type:str

404 error handler

Returns:404 page
Return type:Response

I have no idea what this does but it looks important




Video streaming route for the raspberry pi camera.

Put this in the src attribute of an img tag.

Returns:streamed image Response or emptystring
Return type:Response or str

installs a package using pip.

Doesnt reload/restart anything, so after this is called, python needs to be restarted.

Returns:string response indicating success.
Return type:str

This gets a preview image from a camera, based on the url parameter “serialnumber”

so the endpoint wouild be /preview_cam?serialnumber=dfjkaghsdfysadftiqw

todo: see cap_lock_wait()

Returns:the image file or the string “fail”
Return type:Response or str
webinterface.render_field(name, field)[source]§

Hackery to make browsepy work with login.


Decorator for wrapping a view and requiring auth.

Parameters:f (types.FunctionType) – view function
Return decorated:
Return type:types.FunctionType

Resets the machine-id to a random one generated by ‘systemd-machine-id-setup’.

Returns:str, json response {ERR: “error message”} if an error occurs, otherwise {}
Return type:str

Restarts the raspberry pi through reboot now system call.

Probably unsafe but whatever.

Returns:Response about rebooting
Return type:Response
webinterface.run_command() → str[source]§

runs arbitrary commands from post data.

form_key: value command: space separayed list of arguments

Returns:str, json response of each command and the corresponding stdout (and stderr).
Return type:str
webinterface.sanitizeconfig(towriteconfig, filename: str)[source]§

This method is meant to be a sanitiser for the configuration file, before it gets written.


moves files in the ‘upload_dir’ specified in the config file, to a disk.

this will only work to move files to /dev/sda1.

Returns:whether the transfer was a success
Return type:str

500 error handler

Returns:500 page
Return type:Response
webinterface.set_ip(ipaddress: str = None, subnet: str = None, gateway: str = None, dev: str = 'eth0')[source]§

sets a static ip address manually to the device specified.

  • ipaddress – ip address to commit
  • subnet – subnet to user
  • gateway – gateway to template
  • dev – device to use TODO: actually make this do something

POST endpoing for setting a static ip (or enabling dhcp).

the form accepts “ip-form-dynamic” as an on off flag to enable/disable dhcp.

Otherwise it requires ip-form-ipaddress, ip-form-subnet and ip-form-gateway to set the IP to them.

Returns:strin response indicating success
Return type:str

Starts the wireless adapter in access point mode using create_ap


Shuts down the webinterface

webinterface.stream(lt, lc)[source]§

log line streaming endpoint

streams lines that contain lt until a count of lc is reached.

todo: Continue searching through archived logs.

TODO: move this to api

  • lt (str) – query to match in the log
  • lc (str) – number of results


synchronises the hardware clock with the system clock, and redirects to ‘config’ endpoint.

todo: move to api

webinterface.trunc_at(s: str, d: str, n: int) → str[source]§
  • s (str) – string to truncate
  • d (str) – delimiter
  • n (int) – number of occurrences to ignore before caring

s truncated at the n’th occurrence of the delimiter, d.

Return type:



Pulls the current version of SPC-eyepi from github, and replaces the one running with it.

Returns:string response indicating success.
Return type:str
webinterface.update_camera_config(serialnumber: str)[source]§

Update camera config endpoint.

Exists to update the cameras configuration.

Parses many values.

Parameters:serialnumber – serialnumber of the camera to update
Returns:response indicating result of operation
Return type:Response
webinterface.update_section(section, key, value)[source]§

recurses into a nested dictionary or nested list and changes a value uses the “key” parameter thusly:

“somekey-1-2” would update the 3 in {“somekey”: [10, [1, 2, 3]]}
  • section – nested dictionary or list
  • key – string of recurse keys
  • value – value to set the searched value for.
webinterface.update_tag(tag: str)[source]§

the same as update, except this can take a git tag to update to.

Parameters:tag (str) – git tag to update to.
Returns:string response indicating success.
Return type:str

wifi configuration view.


wifi configuration view. Accepts a POST request with ‘ssid’ and ‘key’ which are used to create a netctl profile.

TODO: alter this to work with netctl-auto rather than vanilla netctl.

Returns:string response indicating success or 400 response if request type is not POST.
Return type:str
webinterface.wrap_field(name, field, display_name=None)[source]§

Writes the data contained within the post form to a configuration file.

Returns:string response indicating success or failure or 400 Response if something broke writing the config
Return type:str or Response